Successfully secured an award to our client, the presumptive monied spouse, of full custody and 100% of the marital estate in equitable distribution on grounds of egregious marital fault. SC v. RN, 2023 N.Y. Slip. Op. 23092 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2023).
Succeeded in challenging multiple indicated findings by the Administration for Children’s Services against our client, leading to all indicated findings being updated to unfounded and scaled.
Successfully appealed a trial court decision that had granted the non-titled spouse only 25% of “business interests,” including equity, carried interest, and investments in employee funds, that the titled spouse had earned during the marriage. As a result, the Appellate Division unanimously reversed, and granted our client a full 50% of these interests, worth tens of millions of dollars. The court agreed that the interests at issue were quintessential marital earnings, and not akin, as spouse tried to claim, to interests of a “closely held” business. Hofman v. Hofman, 173 A.D.3d 531
(1st Dep’t 2019).
Successfully litigated an “egregious fault” case in 2019. Our efforts resulted in a settlement that awarded our client a share far greater than 50% of a marital estate worth well over $80 million.
Successfully challenged and set aside a prenuptial agreement on the grounds of fraud and overreaching. Karg v. Kern, 125 A.D.3d 527 (1st Dep’t 2015).
Successfully defended a $3.5 million legal and expert
fee award. Trafelet v. Trafelet, 162 A.D.3d 518
(1st Dep’t 2018).
Served as a trial expert on New York law relating to prenuptial agreements in a case litigated in Aspen, Colorado, concerning a marital estate valued at well over $175 million.
Successfully settled a same-sex divorce action involving a 20-year relationship for a substantial seven (7) figure recovery despite plaintiff’s claims that there were no marital assets and that the marriage had been formalized for just one year.
Successfully defended a claim on appeal that the titled spouse had purportedly secreted assets. Nadasi v. Nadel-Nadasi, 153 A.D.3d 1346 (2d Dep’t 2017).
Successfully challenged an indicated finding of abuse and neglect by the Administration for Children’s Services, leading to the finding being expunged.
Successfully quashed a frivolous subpoena that had been served on our client, a celebrity talk show host.
Successfully tried and settled hundreds of high conflict family law matters, involving custody disputes, complicated asset portfolios and/or disputed business valuations